Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"Thai-ger Woods"

The last few days have been a whirl wind of crazy adventures. I visited the national park right next to where I am staying (insert GORGEOUS scenery pic), I visited a monk for about four hours, traveled to what seemed like a "religions adventure park", and helped my kids dress for their traditional Thai dance performance. But to answer all of your inquiries,no I have not learned Thai yet! I have like a hundred word vocab....which pretty much matches my English vocab..so really I should deem myself bilingual! And my only English speaking accomplis just ended her stay here!! She was the coolest Chilaen-Australian I've met and she promised to come and visit so we could visit temples and maybe some treking.

However, untill then I am left cobbled with mesquito bites, dazed with heat, and in awe of every meal I have. Every single fruit I have had here is something I never knew existed!! They are a pinata of tastes. Every bite explodes with a totally new and very unexpected flavor. And the spices here could clear even Fran Drescher's sinuses. I have tried every sour, hot, spicy, and sweet condiment on the table. I also took a gazillion pictures but they don't have USB ports at this internet cafe..so they'll be posted relatively soon!! And all of your comments are awesome!

Thailand totally claims Tiger Woods!!


At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's you trying all those weird foods and not me. I don't quite get the Tiger Woods comment, but make sure you stay away from those tigers in the woods. Ok that was really sad, but I figured you were missing some good old Stephen humor so I decided to make some happen. I miss you, but I know you're having a great adventure, so keep on venturing and don't stop reporting.

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alyse...

Sounds reeealy exciting!!! I can almost "taste" those new fruits....from your descriptions!
If you see Thai-ger, tell him we luv him ;-)
Stay cool....

Auntie Evie

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alyse.... Your pix are awesome!!!! That backyard photo was unreal... Take care!

Auntie Evie

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alyse, sounds like you are having a great adventure. I am at home sick with pneumonia. Greg and the boys say hello. I tried to call you so check your messages. Love you Ann.

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alyse,

I'm glad to see that you are having such a great time! I'm even more excited that your keeping us updated with this site. Well, I just wanted to say hello and I can't wait to see what you have to show next. Love ya Cuz, Winnie!!

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aly!

One of my roommates is named Ale (short for Alejandra, but pronounced like Aly). You're waaayyy cooler than her though!

Anyhoo, I smell a new "global studies" project on the way, especially after looking at your pictures and reading about this "religious adventure park". (Let's make it 'cleaner' this time around though k?) ;-)

It sounds like you're training for the "snack" portion of Fear Factor! Hopefully all these new flavors you're experiencing are good.

I'll send you an email soon letting you know what I'm up to. Although, what I'm doing isn't nearly as interesting as what you're doing!

Love ya!

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Alyse, your travels sound great! would love to see pictures of those tastebud exploding dishes and condiments and strange fruits. it might be a good idea to learn thai massage while you're there and also tie dying. never know when that could come in handy.

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ali, you just keep me laughing!!
which is a good thing because i'm getting very sad thinking about ian being away for 2 weeks! he's leaving sun. for camp wise. rachel's busy being a jr. counselor for the JCC theatre camp & learning a bit what work is all about - can't say she's totally loving it! your expriences sound amazing & 100 words should get you by - i'm impressed with that #.
take care, luv, sharon


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