Monday, May 08, 2006

Sometimes You Have to Venture Out for Inner Growth

I am off to the Kingdom of Thailand, probably to find treasures that I already posses, however I could not pick a more beautiful or intriguing catalyst than Thailand. Exploring the inner and outer workings of a culture I know virtually nothing about (except for what my lonely planet guidebook has directed) is something I thrive on. In the past I have found that while learning about other peoples and cultures you are often forced to assess your own. Thus this should be quite an enriching trip!

I am making it a goal to never say “no” and I am also going to try that whole Buddhist-meditation-nonattachment thing because I think the spiritual exoticism of the East is pretty phenomenal. I want to be able to evoke that type of energy from myself. Although I am not quite sure how well I will be able to awaken my spiritual expertise in Thai cooking, we’ll see. Maybe that is a whoooole other type of energy.

I will be posting pictures and small captions/updates on this site just to keep in touch. But if you are curious as to what provoked me to Travel to Thailand (or if you have been totally oblivious to my fetish for culture, travel, and adventure) you definitely have to check these books out: “The Alchemist” and “Tales of A Female Nomad”. Also, e-mailing me to update me on your life would be awesome ;)