Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Vietnam, Me Love You Long Time!

While Thailand was definitely the land of smiles, it has also become the land of ever-changing visa policies. Thus I only had three more months of residency available in Thailand before I would have to be deported. So unfortunately I have been forced to discover the untamed regions of Cambodia and the wild beauty of Vietnam. Darn!
I have been traveling with several volunteers from Tsunami relief and I'm always meeting new people and bumping into former travel buddies. However after about 5 weeks of trying to bargain in new languages and strapped with a backpack of pachydermic proportion,I have settled down in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon). Vietnamese friends and foreigners alike have helped guide me to the basics of this cosmopolitan oasis. I have learned to ride the asthematic motorcycles that clog the lawless traffic, I have come to envy Vietnamese fashion the rivals the likes of Milan and Paris, and I have taken the gastronomic plunge of Vietnamese cooking and dining.However I still have a lot to learn. The most imperative being the Vietnamese language. I have come to really miss the Thai I had acquired and it is now time to start anew.
As I explore this awesome city there will be more stories to come. Although I must admit that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie coming here for Thanksgiving was a pretty big deal. Of course that was the one day we didn't go out..!!

I seemed to have fixed the picture problems!! You should be able to view two more albums; "Cambodia" and "Vietnam" now without joining Facebook!!! Lemme know if you like them. Also feel free to text my Vietnamese cell phone anytime!!!!